Wednesday 10 April 2013

first day-blew it

so i ate three meals today, ik one day and i have already fucked this starving thing up.
im gonna jog it off tomorrow. i swear
i will be skinny

Sunday 7 April 2013

Pro Ana

Started reading the Pro Ana sites, they are just what i need i shouting push to stop eating, perfect tips on starvation. eg.
  •  When your really hungry grab some ice cubes and munch on them. It gives you the feeling that you’re eating, just without the fat, calories and sugar, and it fills you up.
  • Think of something disgusting or something that makes you feel sick, or a picture that makes you feel sick, and whenever you’re eating either think of that thing, or look at the picture. You’ll soon start to associate food with things that make you feel sick, so will make you less inclined to want to eat.
  •  Before digging into your food, count to 100. By the time you’ve finished counting, you’ve probably convinced yourself that it’s not good for you, so you won’t eat it.
  •  If your alone in the house walk around naked or in your underwear and look in every mirror you can, you won’t want to eat after that because of seeing how truly fat and disgusting you are.
  • Wear a rubber band on your wrist, and whenever you’re tempted or go to get something to eat, snap it on your wrist, you won’t be tempted for long.
  • Never eat after 7pm, because your body metabolizes slower at that time.
I just hope i loose fast, the roles are beginning to form and my arms are completely disgusting.
it better work.
i have vowed to read the rules to starving EVERYDAY
and when i can, before meals.